DNS Twister - a valuable resource for Typosquatting and protecting against Phishing

Recently, while trying to identify typosquatting domains for Elastic Email, I came across DNS Twister, a powerful and user-friendly tool that...

The best free icon collection on the internet - Icons Etc.

I've been waiting a long time for someone to put together a truly free large collection of free icons for use in our projects. Until now, the only good collection of icons I could find was the Crystal Project icons. Today I discovered Icons Etc.

VGA Planets "Nu" - The official VGA Planets remake

For those of you who know me well, you'll know I've always had a soft spot for the science fiction video game VGA Planets. In fact, I've been a player for nearly 20 years and so has my Dad. As a software developer I've often thought about making a new version of the game as the game gets older and older and the technology more outdated.

Sending Email from Amazon EC2

There have been a few posts around about the proper way to send email using Amazon EC2.  I have found that overall it is not that difficult and...

Using SSL (https) with Mono HTTPListener

These steps took me a little while to figure out and didn't seem to be all in one place. Using you GoDaddy or other signed certificate you can get...

.NET MimeTypes Class in C#

This is my quick class for determining the MimeType of a file by its extension.  It is very basic.  Please post more types if I am missing them so I can keep it updated.

Great WordPress Plugins

Tiny MCE Advanced - Add all TinyMCE functionality back in.  Great for enabling tables:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tinymce-advanced/ Members...

Flash IO Error #2038 when Uploading Files in .NET

If you are using a flash uploader to upload files with a progress bar to your .NET application and getting IO Error #2038 you may be hitting the 4MB...

Javascript DOM Ready for SSL in IE

Many of the existing javascripts snippets you see on the internet to determine whether the DOM is fully loaded do not work properly in Internet...

Javascript Replace All with Variable

Here is how you replace all values in a string with another string which is inside of a variable using Javascript:   var str = "Please change all...

My name is Joshua Perina from Sooke, BC, Canada.

I am a software developer, entrepreneur and farmer. I have been building a lot of things in technology over the past 30 years. 

I use this site to organize and publish some thoughts I have on technology and occasionally on life.